How to Move BIG While Indoors

It’s the season of covid19. You are working from home, shelter in place is looming around the corner, your 4 year old is bouncing off the walls and you are DONE. What does your child need in these moments? Movement. What does your child need to prevent them from getting to these moments? Movement. What is integral to the well-being of the young child in the first 7 years of life? You got it folks, movement. Some of us have more access to the outdoors than others. The suggestions below are offerings of how to provide big movements for young children in a limited indoor space. 

Couch Diving

Take large pillows off of the couch and place them onto the floor. Invite your child to jump from the couch onto the pillows. Chances are they will delight in this activity and repeat it over and over again. 

Animal Movements

Crawl like a cat, slither like a snake, downward facing dog- walk across the room, full body roll like a caterpillar winding about, hop like a frog, jump like a bunny, tumble sault like a rolli-polli. 

Start a Marching Band 

March around the dining room table. Got instruments? Great. Otherwise, take out the pots and pans and start your marching troop around the house! 

Jump Rope

If you’ve got the space, give your little one a jump rope and show them how it’s done! You could also use a piece of yarn, a scarf, a necktie. 

London Bridge

Sing the song while your child crawls under the table. You could also take two chairs about a foot apart and drape a scarf over them to create a bridge. (In Cedar Rose, we sing “my strong lady” instead of “my fair lady”.)