Winter Spiral 2022

In the darkness of winter, fears and questions may trouble us. Can I trust myself to overcome fear and doubt to find my way into the unknown? Can I hear and receive quiet guidance from nature? Who am I? What is my true mission on earth? In the Winter Spiral we seek these answers. Traversing the darkness of the unknown, we find something within ourselves that enkindles strength and selfless love, even if we have to encounter strife to support and protect it. We forge forward to the central glow from the light of our destiny, and permeate the world with the warmth of our unconditional love. 

Each year during this dark time we offer this symbolic experience to the children. This festival is also an annual practice for teachers and parents as preparation for our upcoming challenges as the guardians of the children. When the time comes in our precious children’s development we must learn how to let go of our control and send them off further into the unknown with faith, hope, and love. This festival is our prayer for the children’s successful journey through life.

Spiral times:

Sunday, Nov 27 - EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILIES - children and parents

2:00 – 5:00 EC classes

Monday, Nov 28 - Students only

 8:30 – 2:45      1- 6th grade

Tuesday, Nov 29 - Students only

8:30 - 10:00      7th, 8th Grade

Winter Spiral is a very quiet and reverent festival.It is important that you arrive on time so as not to interrupt the mood of the ceremony. As the children will be holding candles, appropriate dress and hair style can be important.  Children should be wearing comfortable clothing (no flowing clothing) and long hair tied back.

Everyone will enter the darken Performance Space in quiet reverence and will be directed where to sit.  Soft music will be played on the autoharp by Kumiko Sensei to create tranquility.  They enter the spiral and walk to the center.  There, children will light their candle from the center candle and carry it out until they find a perfect spot to leave their light before returning to their seat. After everyone is finished walking, you will be invited to leave by the teachers.  

Early Childhood

Please make sure to have a snack before you arrive and use the bathroom before gathering in their classroom.  Please turn off cell phones at the door and leave cameras at home. If you have children in two EC classes, please contact your teachers and arrange a schedule suitable to your family.