Daily Rhythm


Wake Up

Have breakfast, get dressed, wash up, do daily chores. How nice to be able to slow down! Consider a rhythmical menu.

Morning Walk

Go outside everyday even if only for 5 minutes! Observe the change of the seasons.

Daily Activity

Check out the suggested activity based on the day of the week!

Morning Story/Song

Each week I will offer a new story/song. Refer to the day of the week page.


Try a daily snack rhythm or eat the same thing everyday to simplify. Maybe add a verse or a blessing. Eat outside if you can.

Free Play (Inside or Outside if possible)

Let the children play! It’s okay for your child to be bored and work through it.


You have helpers now! Engage them in the preparation. Light a candle and say a blessing. Slow down and linger if you can.

Afternoon Story

This is a great time to tell a story out of your imagination or read a story book.

Quiet Rest

Rest heals! If your child does not nap, this time can still be a quiet time where all toys are sleeping except for one or two. They could also quietly look at a book. This is a time they spend in their rooms or a designated quiet space.


Try a daily snack rhythm or eat the same thing everyday to simplify.

Outdoor Free Play

Go outside as much as possible!


A rhythmical menu may help to simplify this time. Or, perhaps this slower time means you can try new meals or take longer to cook. Light a candle with your meal. Your child may participate in the dinner preparation and clean up.


A slower schedule may mean you have a quieter rhythm after dinner. Bath and right to bed.