For Caregivers: Three Verses for this Time

I want to share three verses that have supported me in challenging times. These are for adults, and not appropriate for young children. As with everything I share, please take what connects and leave what does not. I’ll continue to say that. All that I share comes from a place of authentic love for you and for humanity and our natural world.

Sending you the biggest hug!

From Rudolf Steiner:

I carry my sufferings into the setting sun
I lay down all my worries in its light radiating lap
Purified through love,
Transformed through light.
They return as helpful thoughts
As strength for deeds of sacrifice
Done in full joy.*

*You can say this before going to bed

From Clarissa Pinkola Estes:

One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the souls throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of the soul in shadowy times like these — to be fierce and show mercy towards others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help them calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do."

From St. Francis of Assisi:

All of the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.