
_Buttercup Circle Time Photography 2019 (31 of 262).jpg


Dexterity and strengthening of the hand is the focus of this day. 

As we prepare our little children in the garden of childhood, with an ever-present eye to grade-school readiness, we look to the hand. Developing hand-eye coordination is and fine motor skills are essential in preparing a child for grade school academics and beyond. 

Again, we focus on the foundation. The Webster Dictionary speaks of foundation in this way:  an underlying base or support:  a body or ground upon which something is built, funds given for the permanent support, a basis.  

Activities: Coloring, Scissor Work & Ironing


If your child is 3:  Place the crayon, colored pencil or pen on your child's non-dominant side so that they have the opportunity to cross the vertical midline.  

If your child is 4 or 5:  Do the same as above and observe your child's grip. If your child will turn 5 before June or is currently 5 correct their grip to a tri-pod grip if this is not their comfortable grip. 

  1. Sit down with your child to draw your own picture.  

  2. If your child asks what you are drawing, a great answer is " hmmm, I wonder?  I'm not sure yet?" This allows them to get into their own creative process.  

  3. If your child communicates that they can't draw what you are drawing or the imagination they are hoping to draw you can encourage them to "do their best.” As caregivers, we want to instill a believe in our children that they ARE artists and what bubbles up from their inspiration is valid and beautiful.  

  4. When the drawing is finished, ask your child if they want to tell you about the picture they drew.  Jot down what they say. Resist the urge to interject what you think they drew or opinions.  

Scissor Work

Working with scissors is fun!! It is also essential in developing the muscles in the hand. You may not have a pair of child-size scissors. Now is a great time to invest. If your child's dominant hand is left, be sure to have a pair of left-hand scissors on hand.  

  1. Draw horizontal and vertical lines across a page and ask your child to cut on the line

  2. Draw circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles on a page and ask your child to cut the shape out following the line.


A lost skill, for sure!! Here we have the perfect time to resurrect this art! 

In Buttercup class we iron on Thursdays. We iron the napkins that we will use to wipe our hands and faces on Friday when spooning and sipping our soup! 

Ironing is another craft that instills a sense of peace and solace. If you have an iron and ironing board, set it up! A child can step up onto a chair to help. Or, you can set a heavy bath towel onto a table or surface and place the items to be ironed on top. 

Folding is another skill that can be enlisted here. After the ironing, so comes the folding and putting back into the homes that the clothes, sheets, and napkins rest in until we need to utilize them again.  

Snack: Quinoa Day

Prepare the amount of quinoa that you desire according to the number of bellies you will feed. Rinse quinoa well. Add a pinch of salt to the water. We use a 2:1 ratio.

Tamari, garbanzo beans, nutritional yeast (golden sprinkles)

Carrot and celery matchsticks (or other veggies your family enjoys)

The Adventures of Ms. Stephanie


Evening Wind
Adapted from Wilma Ellersiek

Blow the evening wind so mild
Rest my little flower child
Lu lu lu lu lu, lu lu lu lu lu

Flowers Grow
Words by Monica Stone
This verse can be accompanied by gentle therapeutic touch to help your child come to a state of rest and wellbeing.

The flowers, they grow on your ten little toes
With forefinger and thumb, gently caress and massage each toe
All the way up to your little nose
Gently draw finger down the length of child’s nose
The petals, they softly brush your cheek
Gently brush each cheek with back of your hand
As you lay down and fall fast asleep
Gently run fingers along child’s brow

My Big Blue Boat
I love to ride in my big blue boat, my big blue boat, my big blue boat.
I love to ride in my big blue boat, over the deep blue sea.

My big blue boat has two red sails, two red sails, two red sails.
My big blue boat has two red sails.
Come ride along with me.

My big blue boat goes splish and splash, splish and splash, splish and slash
My big blue boat goes splish and splash, over the deep blue sea.

Block Building Activity

Build a tall tower, a house, or a secret cave. The possibilities are endless!