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Snack: Quinoa Day

Prepare the amount of quinoa that you desire according to the number of bellies you will feed. Rinse quinoa well. Add a pinch of salt to the water. We use a 2:1 ratio.

Tamari, garbanzo beans, nutritional yeast (golden sprinkles)

Carrot and celery matchsticks (or other veggies your family enjoys)


The Adventures of Ms. Stephanie

For the complete collection of The Adventures of Ms. Stephanie, click here.




Golden Bells for Rest Time


Sammy the Squirrel Stories

For the complete collection of Sammy the Squirrel stories, click here.


Rest Time Song & Verse

Evening Wind
Adapted from Wilma Ellersiek

Blow the evening wind so mild
Rest my little flower child
Lu lu lu lu lu, lu lu lu lu lu

Flowers Grow
Words by Monica Stone
This verse can be accompanied by gentle therapeutic touch to help your child come to a state of rest and wellbeing.

The flowers, they grow on your ten little toes
With forefinger and thumb, gently caress and massage each toe
All the way up to your little nose
Gently draw finger down the length of child’s nose
The petals, they softly brush your cheek
Gently brush each cheek with back of your hand
As you lay down and fall fast asleep
Gently run fingers along child’s brow



Here is the Beehive

Here is the beehive
Where are the bees?
Hidden away where nobody sees
Watch and you’ll see them
Come out of the hive
One, two, three, four, five

They buzz so high
They buzz so low
Thye buzz so fast
And they buzz so slow

They buzz. to the left
And they buzz to the right

They buzz all the day long
And go to sleep at night


Flower Seed Balls

Who doesn’t love getting their hands in soil and clay? This is a simple activity that ignites the sense of touch and connection with our natural world.

Follow along with Ms. Grace’s tutorial.

For additional activity ideas, click here.