Song & Verse
Cedarwood Rosebud Caregiver & Child Classes
Now Enrolling for Fall 2024
Morning Song & Message
Spring Circle
Spring is Coming!
Spring is coming! Spring is coming!
Birdies build your nests
Weave together straw and feather, each one doing their best
Spring is coming! Spring is coming!
Flowers are coming too
Daisies, lilies, daffodillies
All are coming through
Where are the Froggies When the North Wind Blows?
Where are the froggies when the North Wind blows?
We cannot see them through the ice and snow
Deep, deep down in the mud they lie
Froggies are sleeping with tight closed eyes
But when the warm spring sun comes out
Froggies awaken and they jump about
They jump about
Little Jackie Climbs a Tree
Little Jackie climbs a tree
Oh so high you cannot see
From bough to bough he’s on a quest
Until he sees a robin’s nest
Uh-oh Jack the bough went crack
Down he came unto the ground
In the Springtime
In the springtime, little bunnies go hop hop!
In the sunshine, little birdies go chirp chirp!
Daisies bow to daffodils
Little children run up hills
Then roll down
In the springtime!
The Farmer
The farmer! The farmer!
The farmer is working the fields
What does the farmer do in the spring?
He sows the seeds the harvest brings
But first he wakes the earth from sleep
By raking her well and plowing her deep
Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley Grow!
Oats, peas, beans and barley grow!
Oats, peas, beans and barley grow!
Do you or I or anyone know
How oats, peas, beans and barley grow!
First the farmer plants the seeds
Then she stands and takes her heed
Stomps her feet and claps her hands
Then turns around to view the land
Slowly, Slowly, Very Slowly Creeps the Little Snail
Slowly, slowly, very slowly creeps the little snail
Slowly, slowly, very slowly down the garden trail
Quickly! Quickly!
Very quickly, runs the little mouse
Quickly! Quickly!
Very quickly, all around the house
(end by coming back to the slow snail to bring the children back to a calm place)
Farm Circle
A sheet or cloth on the floor to suggest the river, a stick, broom, or another cloth creates the "hedge row". You can use a bench, a 2x4 on the floor or another sheet folded to make the "bridge". Get creative here! Are there items in your home or yard that you can implement for this obstacle course?
Set the space before you invite your child into this game.
You can simply speak the first stanza or make movements to introduce the circle.
Farmer Circle:
In the spring the farmer planted seeds within the ground
She tended it and watered it until some leaves were found.
They grew and grew into a vine that covered all the land
And then a blossom, kissed by bees, did a pumpkin yield.
The farmer watched it day by day til it grew big and fat
And when the harvest day had come,
upon her horse she sat.
Begin to lead galloping with your child
The farmer awoke at the break of day.
She sat on her horse and she galloped away
She galloped away with her reins in her hand
To ride through the country to survey her land.
Galloping at a moderate pace around the room
Feel free to sing or speak
This is the way the farmer rides,
A-gallop, a-gallop, a-gallop
Galloping movement
Leap across the rive blue
Leap across the cloth on the ground
Jump right over the hedgerow, too
Jump over a stick or cloth
Cross the bridge to the other side
Walk across a bench, 2x4, or slenderly folded cloth
To see our friends from far and wide.
Now we're at the garden patch to bring the harvest in at last.
An orange pumpkin big and fine
Gesturing a large pumpkin with armsGrows before us on the vine.
This pumpkin vine is big and thick
Touching fingertips together to suggest a thick vineTo pull it loose will be a trick. Now grab the vine and give a tug
As though taking a firm hold of the vine and pulling meeting strong resistanceOh my! This pumpkin's sitting snug.
We pull and pull with all our might.
This big fat pumpkin is not light
Gesturing as if pulling harder
At last! The pumpkin has come free.
Let's take it home for all to see
Pretend the pumpkin is loose, falling slightly backward but remaining upright
Into the wheelbarrow-plop!
Let's put it in and homeward clop.
As though picking up the pumpkin and placing it in a wheelbarrow
Wheel my barrow, home we go.
Wheel my barrow, steady, slow.
Now you can take hold of your child's feet while they use their arms to walk across the floor.
This may be a challenging movement for your child. Take it slow and steady and have fun!
Into the house our pumpkin we take, so good warm soup we can make.
Gesture carrying the pumpkin, and stirring soup.
We'll toast some bread and butter it up and thank the Earth for our full cup.
Gesture spreading butter on bread and prayer hands to indicate gratitude.
End circle with a blessing verse:
Earth who gives to us this food,
Sun who makes it ripe and good,
Dear Earth, dear Sun, by you we live,
Our loving thanks to you we give.
Humble Bumble
This is a wonderful song to sing in honor of the busy hardworking bees that help the plants to grow! This is also a fun song to play around with tempo. Speed it up or slow it down as you sing. Enjoy!
Humble bumble bees are buzzing
Zipping in the springtime sun
Softly humming, going coming
To the flowers every one
You will never see them tumble
As they go about their weedy way
And you’ll never hear them grumble
As they toil the day away
Humble bumble bees are humming
Zipping in the springtime sun
Sipping nectar, going coming
To the flowers every one
You will never see them tumble
As they go about their weedy way
And you’ll never hear them grumble
As they toil the day away
Humble bumble bees are humming
Zipping in the springtime sun
Sipping nectar, going coming
To the flowers every one
You will never see them tumble
As they go about their weedy way
And you’ll never hear them grumble
As they toil the day away
Humble bumble bees are buzzing
Zipping in the springtime sun
Softly humming, going coming
To the flowers every one
You will never see them tumble
As they go about their weedy way
And you’ll never hear them grumble
As they toil the day away
Two Little Blackbirds
Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill
One named Jack, the other named Jill
Fly away Jack
Fly away Jill
Come back Jack
Come back Jill
Two little blackbirds sitting on a wall
One named Peter, the other named Paul
Fly away Peter
Fly away Paul
Come back Peter
Come back Paul
Two little blackbirds sitting on a pole
One named Fast, the other named Slow
Fly away Fast
Fly away Slow
Come back Fast
Come back Slow
Little Bird, Little Bird
Little bird, little bird
Fly through my window
Little bird, little bird
Fly through my window
Little bird, little bird
Fly through my window
Find molasses candy
Through my window
My sugar lump
Fly through my window
My sugar lump
Find molasses candy
Chickadee, chickadee
Fly through my window
Chickadee, chickadee
Fly through my window
Chickadee, chickadee
Fly through my window
Find molasses candy
Through my window
My sugar lump
Fly through my window
My sugar lump
And find molasses candy
Scrub jay, scrub jay
Fly through my window
Scrub jay, scrub jay
Fly through my window
Scrub jay, scrub jay
Fly through my window
Find molasses candy
Through my window
My sugar lump
Fly through my window
My sugar lump
Find molasses candy
Flicker bird, flicker bird
Fly through my window
Flicker bird, flicker bird
Fly through my window
Flicker bird, flicker bird
Fly through my window
Find molasses candy
Over in the Meadow
Over in the meadow
In the sand in the sun
Lives a dear mother toad
And her little toadie one
Hop says the mother
I hop says the one
So they hop and they hop
In the sand in the sun
Over in the meadow
Where the stream runs so blue
Lives a dear mother fish
And her little fishies two
Swim says the mother
We swim say the two
So they swim and they swim
Where the stream runs so blue
Over in the meadow
In the big oak tree
Lives a dear mother robin
And her little robins three
Fly says the mother
We fly say the three
So they fly and they fly
Round the big oak tree
Over in the meadow
In the reeds by the shore
Lives a mother water rat
And her little ratties four
Dive says the mother
We dive say the four
So they dive and they dive
In the reeds by the shore
Over in the meadow
In a sunny bee hive
Lives a mother honey bee
And her little bees five
Buzz says the mother
We buzz say the five
So they buzz and they buzz
In the sunny bee hive
Over in the meadow
In a nest built of sticks
Lives a dear mother crow
And her little crows six
Caw says the mother
We caw say the six
So they caw and they caw
In their nest built of sticks
Over in the meadow
Where the grass is so even
Lives a dear mother cricket
And her little crickets seven
Chirp says the mother
We chirp say the seven
So they chirp and they chirp
Where the grass is so even
The Windmill
If I could have a windmill, a windmill, a windmill
If I could have a windmill, I know what I would do.
I'd have it pump some water, some water, some water
I'd have it pump some water, up from the river below.
And then I'd have a duck pond, a duck pond, a duck pond
And then I'd have a duck pond, for ducks and geese to swim.
The ducks would make their wings flap, their wings flap, their wings flap
The ducks would make their wings flap, and they would say "Quack! Quack!"
The geese would stretch their long necks, their long necks, their long necks
The geese would stretch their long necks, and they would answer "S-S-S-S-S!"
If I could have a windmill, a windmill, a windmill
If I could have a windmill, I know what I would do
My Big Blue Boat
I love to ride in my big blue boat, my big blue boat, my big blue boat.
I love to ride in my big blue boat, over the deep blue sea.
My big blue boat has two red sails, two red sails, two red sails.
My big blue boat has two red sails.
Come ride along with me.
My big blue boat goes splish and splash, splish and splash, splish and slash
My big blue boat goes splish and splash, over the deep blue sea.
Garden Song
Inch by inch row by row
Gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe and a piece of fertile ground
Inch by inch row by row
Please bless these seeds I sow
Please warm them from below
Until the rains come tumbling down
Rest Time Song & Verse
Evening Wind
Adapted from Wilma Ellersiek
Blow the evening wind so mild
Rest my little flower child
Lu lu lu lu lu, lu lu lu lu lu
Flowers Grow
Words by Monica Stone
This verse can be accompanied by gentle therapeutic touch to help your child come to a state of rest and wellbeing.
The flowers, they grow on your ten little toes
With forefinger and thumb, gently caress and massage each toe
All the way up to your little nose
Gently draw finger down the length of child’s nose
The petals, they softly brush your cheek
Gently brush each cheek with back of your hand
As you lay down and fall fast asleep
Gently run fingers along child’s brow