Fairy Flowers

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By Ms. Dylan, Cedar Rose Pre-Kindergarten Assistant Teacher

Make a teeny tiny flower arrangement for a doll house, fairy house, child’s bedside table, or centerpiece.

Go on a nature walk or explore your backyard and ask your child to find the tiniest flowers possible (and don’t overlook the so-called “weeds” — I find they often produce quite lovely little blooms). Make sure you leave the stems at least 2-3” long. If your smallest flowers are about the size of lawn daisies or dandelions, an empty bottle of vanilla extract or essential oil makes a perfectly sized vase. If you find super tiny flowers, like the wee yellow blossoms of the creeping woodsorrel, or itty-bitty purple Robert geraniums (pictured), you’ll need an even smaller vessel.

Many craft stores sell tiny glass corked bottles that are just perfect for the teeniest flower arrangements, but if you don’t have any, get creative! Look around the house and see what you find. You could even make a floating arrangement in an acorn cap. Once you’ve decided on a vessel, fill it with water (it won’t need much!) and arrange your petite bouquet.

The fairies will love it!

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