Pinecone Bird Feeder

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Find an intact pinecone. Tie a strong string, rope, or hemp cord around the top. Tie a loop at the top to hang later.

Use a utensil to cover pinecone in nut/seed butter or tallow.

Spoon on/roll in birdseed.

Hang in a safe place for birds to visit and feed.

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As our bird friends prepare to nest down and rear their young, we can support this process! Make your very own pinecone bird feeder and hang it in a safe place. Did you know that living things grow best when we focus our loving attention and even speak kind, affirming words to them? Yes, this includes children, plants and animals! Even the molecules of our water are effected by our thoughts, words and actions!

Spring is the perfect time to welcome ALL new life! The extra fat in the tallow or nut/seed butter will support the needs of our bird friends as they engage in the diligent toil of building nests, laying eggs, warming the eggs, hunting for nourishment for themselves and finally, hatching and feeding their brood! Once the eggs have hatched, much more work will be required! Human parents know this reality! Growing the baby is just one important part of an entire life! Next comes the nourishing and nurturing of young and tender life! This is one wonderful way to guide your children into becoming stewards and tenders to the natural world! Enjoy!